Our Practitioners

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Soul Alchemy™ Practitioners

Offering initial orientations, empowerment toolsets, and deeper healing through intensives and long-term journeys

Robin Duda

Robin is passionate about healing trauma and liberating love through supporting clients and empowering practitioners with the Soul Alchemy principles and tools that she helped create with her husband and others. With a Master's Degree in Social Work and a Master's Degree in Dance Therapy, Robin brought considerable therapeutic skills to the table even before she spent over 33 years creating the healing process called Soul Alchemy™.

Robin’s natural gifts of healing, psychic empathy, and astonishing multidimensional awareness were dramatically enhanced in 1990 by a near-death experience.  

This event deepened her understanding of people's capacity for self-healing once they were held in a safe relational love field. It also awakened her to the vital importance of reintegrating lost or overshadowed soul parts.

(505) 920-3838robinduda@gmail.com

Allegra di Carpegna, BFA, MA, LMHC

Allegra di Carpegna is continually humbled by the magic that happens when art expression is used in healing and integrating the self. Allegra has spent most of her life in the arts, in which she holds a BFA. She subsequently studied in England and received an MA in Art Therapy and, most recently, trained under Robin Duda and received a Ministers license in Soul Alchemy through Sustainable Love.

After various years practicing art therapy in schools and rehabilitation centers in England, Allegra now lives in Santa Fe, where her love is merging her Soul Alchemy work with integrating and healing through the arts. She is a proud mother of two wonderful boys and a gentle, curious soul enjoying nature and daydreaming, whilst continually practicing truth speak. She is a Center for Sustainable Love coach and staff member.

(505) 946-7785 allegradicarpegna@hotmail.com

Haley Welsh

Haley loves supporting radical transformation in individuals and groups. She invites people to know themselves at the deepest levels through unconditional love and acceptance of where they are while encouraging and stoking their inner-fires for positive change - she believes that everyone has this resource within them.

Drawing from her Health Science background from Truman State University, her experiences as a founding staff member at Sustainable Love, her 15 years of tarot reading, and dedication to her own healing, she excels at helping people with emotional expression, accountability, practical life goals, and so much more. She facilitates one-on-one sessions, holds space for deep-dive intensives, assists in the training of new Soul Alchemy practitioners, and offers tarot reading for individuals and groups.

(314) 496-1113 haley.c.welsh@gmail.com TransformWithTarot.com

Tyler White

Tyler White’s greatest passion is watching love blossom. Through the compassionate lens of multi-dimensional curiosity, he supports men, women, families, and couples to discover and transform their blocks to thriving. Tyler believes that when the human Will is engaged with one’s essential nature and the limitless potentiating power of love, anything is possible including the healing and resolution of the most difficult and dark behaviors, addictions and traumas. He strives to hold each and every one of his clients with unconditional love by cultivating compassion for “who they are in him,” seeing through the veils of false-ego and encouraging their true selves to courageously come forward.

Tyler is an award-winning app and website developer turned rogue and is now pursuing a deeper, life-long passion of guiding others along the journey of self-love. In his free time, he plays guitar and sings, writes poetry, cooks, dances, and goes for walks in nature in his native land of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Through creative expression, transparency, radical responsibility and the willingness to embrace our immense power as co-creators, we may live together on this Earth in a new paradigm of freedom, safety, and equality!

(505) 577-5300 tyler@tylerwhite.coach TylerWhite.coach

Maya Rose

Maya Rose specializes in supporting individuals and groups to build nourishing intimacy and deep love with one’s own body and Earth. It is her passion to nurture raw and authentic expression of truth and creativity, utilizing Somatic Coaching, Somatic Sex Education, emotional healing, breathwork and song. Mayas offerings serve diverse cultures of people desiring self healing and relational repairs, as well as those who have a deep longing to reignite their sensual joy in wholeness and love.

As a native to Santa Fe NM, her Mexica, Pawnee and Spanish rainbow heritage inspires her deep understanding and appreciation for diversity, cultural equality and unity.

Maya has additional schooling in Conscious Connected Breathwork, Somatic Coaching through the Courageous Living Coach Certification, and over four years of training as a Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker.

Other offerings both in person and online include 1:1 Embodiment Coaching and Voice Opening, Mindful Erotic Practice and online course work. Through her company “Necuhtli Cacao” she also offers In-person Cacao womens gatherings, handcrafted organic Cacao, and Honey sweetened chocolate bars.

(505) 660-9941 mayacordova111@gmail.com

Beth Bennett, M.A., Ed.D.

Beth Bennett is passionate about sharing her personal discovery that there is no shadow too dark to be loved. As a Multi-Dimensional Integration Coach, she encourages and celebrates your personal journey of discovering the wholeness of you. Her book, “Return to Innocence: My Journey to Claim Wholeness from Ancestral Ritual Abuse”, is a revelation of the power of one’s own Source connection as the self-healing agent. Utilizing the tools of Soul AlchemyTM creates a pathway for the journey of loving both one’s shadow and one’s light.

Beth is the mother of two adult sons. She has taught in various educational settings from elementary school through graduate level. Beth has supported the Sustainable Love community to grow since 2003.

(505) 401-2387 bmbennett2018@gmail.com

Rebecca Baer

Becca loves to support individuals and groups to share and meet the truth of the body's experience moment-to-moment. Through movement, song, nourishment, and nature connection, Becca guides experiences of deep intimacy within, with other, and with life itself.

Becca spent many years of her life incubating in the darkness of lethargy, illness, chronic pain, food addiction, isolation, and persistent sense of unsafety in her body. In this darkness was also a deep, unwavering trust in life and an unending longing to reclaim health and feel at home in her own skin.

After years of desperately looking for a cure and playing at the edge of exhaustion and insanity, Becca returned to the knowing that safety in her own body meant being willing to feel her own body. To welcome and meet the rage, terror, and pain that had gone underground. And also being willing to embrace the innocence, playfulness, and love that never left.

Becca has a Master's Degree in Counseling and certificate in Ecotherapy. She currently works at a forest school, The Happy Place, for children ages 3-6 years old. Becca has also been greatly supported by the Sustainable Love community to nurture loving, healthy intimacy with her husband, Devin Green.

(303) 489-3569 rebeccasophiabear@gmail.com

Devin Green

Devin is passionate about assisting people with their own self realization and miracles of self forgiveness. He is also overjoyed to support even children and animals towards wellbeing. Devin offers additional tools with training in Noetic Field Therapy and Reconnective Therapy.

Devin was born in Mill Valley, CA to a family with interfaith and multicultural sympathies. His relatively normal childhood was colored by life threatening illness, tragic family injury and spontaneous spiritual experiences. This gave him a deep yearning to understand life and find healing for those he loved. Early experiences hinted at the power of love and forgiveness, our own multidimensional nature and the vast journey of the soul.

(505) 690-3525 devinbgreen@gmail.com

Evelyn Thom

Evelyn is passionate about supporting women in the initiation into motherhood, helping them recognize their divine feminine power and connection to the cosmic throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. She has a gift of holding the field for death and rebirth.

Evelyn came to America at age of 18 from mainland China. She started her spiritual healing journey four years ago and has already recovered a lot of her trauma memories as well as her soul’s gifts with the work from Sustainable Love.

Grown up in the culture that food is medicine, Evelyn loves making nutritious and delicious food that supports and balances the elements of our body. She is currently working as an anesthetist at the hospital, and she’s in transition into a career of midwifery, and hopefully one day opens her own birthing center. Married to Josh Thom, who’s also in the work of self-healing and empowerment, the couple is raising their son together with the new understanding of what love actually means and feels like in the body.

(816) 724-5477 xiao.zhu@aol.com

Joshua Thom

Joshua Thom adores awakening self-love in men and women alike. Inspired by a culture of individuation with connection, he focuses on tools of sovereignty in relationships such as active listening, presence-ing, safe touch, and somatic awareness.

Joshua Thom is a powerful model for body sovereignty through relational healing and compassionate will reclamation. The field he brings allows and informs a transformational container where alchemy and deep healing can occur. He is a man committed to an initiatory journey of loving self through the reflections of others, particularly with his wife Evelyn and son Owen, as well as his wider community.

(414) 721-8199jthom273@gmail.com

Meira Rubin

Meira’s love and fire gets deeply ignited working with women, families, and children from diverse backgrounds. She specializes in developing skill sets to help blossom and encourage unconditional love of one’s body, pleasure, play, and facilitating the awakening of one's creativity through nature experiences. Through the love and support of Sustainable love, she is devoted to supporting and reclaiming her own and other’s voice’s, emotional freedom, truth, and returning to one’s self love as their healing medicine.

Meira Rubin was born and raised in Santa Fe, NM and has been immersed in Sustainable Love’s healing philosophy since age 7. An important part of her personal journey has been around healing eating disorders, her relationship with her body, and bridging cultural/ethnic backgrounds for more wholeness and love. She has a great passion for African dance and the healing medicine that occurs through movement and drums.

(505) 501-9791 meirarubin356@gmail.com

Myriah Duda

Myriah feels inspired supporting her clients in finding their unique movement expression through somatic dance exploration. She also loves supporting individuals and couples in cultivating communication skills and reigniting their passionate flame of desire for life alone and together.

As the daughter of the two co-founders of Sustainable Love, Myriah was born into this work. In addition to being a Soul Alchemy practitioner, she is also a working contemporary dancer, actor, physical theater performer, director, and choreographer in New Mexico. Myriah is an NMSA graduate majoring in theater, minoring in creative writing, and has her BA in contemporary dance.

(505) 399-0087myriahduda1@gmail.com

Persten Halverson

Persten Halverson loves to bring new possibilities into reality. His conservative Christian upbringing, discolored by physical punishment, guilt and shame, led him to a quest for healing and the discovery of love in his own heart. Persten’s desire is to help others see the love that they are, no matter what creed or background they have. His coaching will challenge you to find your own truth within your body and to live it. Persten also loves to sing, dance, write, dream, and create.

(606) 308-2518 pnhalverson@gmail.com